Evaporative cooling has gained popularity as the cooling system of choice for residential and business buildings. The system has proven to be a low-cost, efficient means of providing cooling by relying solely on water evaporation. The recurrent savings over just a few seasons will pay for the units and maintenance is minimal, with few running costs.
With all these advantages now possible, using an evaporative cooling system just makes good sense, provided you are in the right climate an environment to allow for efficient operations. If you live in an area of South Africa that has low humidity and excessive heat, such as the highveld, then the evap cooler is the perfect solution for your home or business, allowing for effective cooling while saving a bundle on operating costs, it truly is the cooling system of choice and stands head and shoulders above traditional air-con systems.
At GMC Aircon, we pride ourselves on offering the ultimate range in evaporative cooling technology with solutions for any size application. From portable solutions that you can move between rooms in the house with ease, to Fixed solutions for the entire home and even the largest industrial applications, GMC Airconditioning has the evap cooler to suit your environment and take control.
Over our 21 years of experience in the industry, we have come across some frequently asked questions from our clients that we feel deserve their own space on our site for our new users to review. This evaporative cooler FAQ contains just some of the general queries we have received over the years, however, if you have a question that was not answered, please feel free to drop the expert consulting team at GMC and email with your query and we will sort it out as soon as possible, with an answer you can rely on!
How does evaporative cooling work?
How does evaporative cooling work? its a simple principle that operates through the evaporation of the cooling medium, water. Water is a very effective coolant medium because it has a large heat of vaporization meaning a large amount of energy can be absorbed on a mass scale. Evaporative coolers are incredibly effective cooling solutions in areas that have low humidity levels in the air, they pull in hot, dry air and through the process of evaporation, turn the hot air into cool, clean air that is pushed into your room.
However, evap coolers require the surrounding air has low relative humidity levels, this is needed because the evaporation rate is inversely proportional to relative humidity levels. When conditions meet 100% relative humidity, there would be no evaporation of water and the evap coolers efficiency would be completely diminished.
A curious question that is also frequently asked is since evaporation occurs in warm to hot environments, how is it that coolers are able to operate at the low temperatures you need in a cooler. The answer is in the air pressure. As you decrease the air pressure above the liquid the force pushing down on the surface decreases, giving the water particles more freedom to move, meaning that surface particles have the ability to change phase to gas with less resistance, this is the crux of evaporative cooling.
By creating an extremely low pressure above the surface of the liquid, that liquid will, therefore, evaporate at a much lower temperature with those evaporating particles pulling heat from the system so that they can remain at a higher energy, gaseous state. The energy of the phase change transfers into the particles around it through what is called a latent heat exchange. As particles transfer phase from a high energy gas state to a low energy liquid state, the energy from the exchange transfers to the particles around it through this concept of latent heat exchange.
The identical concept occurs when a liquid particle changes phase to a gas particle. It goes from a low energy liquid state to a high energy gas state. This increase in energy comes from the surrounding particles. The molecule pulls energy from surrounding molecules when it undergoes a phase change from a liquid to a gas, causing the surrounding particles to lose energy and cool.
This change from liquid to gas state is called evaporation. Evaporative coolers, therefore, use the energy of the hot air what enters them to cool the air that flows into your office or home by understanding the physics of evaporation and harnessing its cooling potential.
What choices of evaporative coolers are available to me?
There is an evaporative cooling solution available for any application. From portable evaporative cooler solutions that quickly and effectively cool bedrooms and studies in the home, to large industrial units that are able to cool entire retail facilities or corporate buildings. Evaporative coolers have become very popular due to their low energy consumption and effective cooling. When compared to traditional AC units, Evap coolers can offer an energy saving of up to 70%, these savings transfer to your household or business operations budget, essentially having the unit pay for itself over just a few warm summer seasons.
If you are looking for a portable solution, then take a minute to view our range of portable evaporative coolers.
We have a range of air cooler units available such as the AB15 Bladeless cooler used for cooling personal spaces. The AB20 Air Cooler – A 20 Lite Evaporative Cooler. The AB30 Air Cooler – A 33 Lite Air Cooler. The AB50 Air Cooler – A 55 Litre Air Cooler. The AB65 Industrial Cooler and the AB18 Industrial Air Cooler.
These units are a convenient cooling solution for bedrooms, studies, breakfast nooks and other small rooms in the home, with their mobile casters mounted to the housing, they are easily transferred throughout the home or office.
The AB50 evaporative cooler is the new industry standard of portable evaporative cooler. With the ability to cool large rooms in the home such as the kitchen or lounge, or even large outdoor areas such as covered patios, the AB50 has the efficiency and efficacy to make sure any living environment is cooled to your ideal temperature settings. It also features mobile casters that allow for easy movement between rooms ion the home or office.
If you’re looking for a larger cooling solution that had the ability to cool an office park, retail center or industrial factory, you need to consider the AB16 Commercial Evaporative cooler unit. This unit is powerful, effective and efficient. Retail operations that change from air-con systems to evaporative cooling systems generally see a reduction of up to 70% in their monthly cooling power bill, adding up to enormous savings over the lifetime of the unit, allowing for those cost savings to better allocated to other areas of the operations budget.
GMC – 28 Litre Air Cooler – AB20R3,999.00
GMC – 33 Litre Air Cooler – AB30R4,699.00
GMC – 45 Litre Air Cooler – AB50R5,999.00
GMC – Commercial Air Cooler – AB18
GMC – 7 Litre Bladeless Air Cooler – AB15R2,999.00
What size cooler do I need?
Size evaporative coolers right the first time. Begin selecting the right size evaporative cooler for your home, office or industrial application by deciding if your environment is suitable for evaporative cooling. Evap coolers work well in hot, dry environments such as Gauteng, Limpopo or the Nort-West province. Areas such as KZN on coastline, with high relative humidity levels in the air, will not be the best choice for these cooling solutions, in such as case it is better to use traditional air-conditioning systems that dehumidify the air while they cool it.
Once you are certain your environment is suited to evap cooling, then you need to choose the correctly sized unit fo your application. BTU (British Thermal Unit) is the standard rating requirement for air-conditioning. The higher the BTU rating, the greater the cooling ability of the unit. To look at it from a practical perspective, a unit with too strong a BTU rating for the room will tend to cycle off too quickly, where a smaller unit may be underpowered and not offer enough cooling relief.
In evaporative coolers, a similar rating system is used called the CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute) of the unit. This unit describes the volume of air moving through the cooler into the room and the basic formula you need to calculate it is to measure the cubic feet of the intended area you are cooling and then divide that number in half. For example, cooling a room that measures 100 square feet with 9 foot high ceilings, your cubic footage would be 900 feet. Divide that number by 2 and you will find out that you require an evap cooler that offers approximately 450 CFMs, as shown by the formula below, allowing your to size evaporative coolers to the exact requirements you need:
Ceiling Height: 9 feet
Cubic Feet = 900 feet
CFM = Cubic Feet / 2
900 / 2 = 450
CFM = 450
When sizing your cooler, always choose a rating that is higher rather than lower. For the example above, you would need a cooler with a CFM of 450 as a minimum, rather go higher than lower and risk ineffective cooling of your room.
How much energy does evaporative cooling save?
Evaporative cooling saves energy and money, how much? The answer is; a tremendous amount. Evaporative coolers use around one-quarter of the energy needed to power a standard electric air-conditioning unit. This should translate into around an 70% saving on your cooling bills per summer season, allowing you to re-allocate those funds to other operations of your business, or your household budget.
The reason for these giant evaporative cooling savings come from the design of the evaporative cooler and its operating parts. The major component in an evaporative cooler is the fan unit. The fan is large and is used to draw air in from the external environment into the unit housing and then through a set of damped pads that cool the air with the evaporative principle that produces latent heat exchange, forcing cool air out into the room. Other than the fan and a pump to circulate the water inside the unit, an evaporative cooler has very few operating components that require electricity making them the perfect solution for anyone that is looking to save a fortune on their cooling requirements while being eco-friendly by keeping their carbon footprint low.
Traditional air-cons have many more working components that require electricity to function, therefore they consume more electricity than an evaporative cooler will. This makes the evaporative cooler the ideal choice for anyone living in a hot, dry climate such as the Gauteng highveld where the evaporative cooler will work with the greatest efficacy and efficiency. Evaporative cooling savings from lower electricity bills will allow you to allocate these savings to other areas of your household budget or business operations budget.
Using a portable evaporative cooler for use in a small application such as the office or the bedrooms in your home, instead of the traditional Air-con system will provide for massive savings and you can transfer it between rooms in the home on its mobile casters making it the optimal cost-effective, eco-friendly, cooling solution. Evaporative cooling saves energy and your hard earned money, speak to the team at GMC Aircon today!
What do you mean by exhaust air?
Exhaust air comes from the process of evaporative cooling works through the coolers fan pulling in hot, dry air from outside the building into the housing of the unit and then pulling it through a set of cooling pads that rapidly cool the air by evaporating the water, leaving behind cool air in the wake of the latent energy transfer that takes place as the water changes phase from gas to liquid.
This cool air is then pushed by the fan into the room or rooms that you need to cool. It’s important that your cooling system has as much free-flowing air and circulation as possible in the environment that you’re trying to cool. This can be achieved by opening a door or a window in the room. This may be counter-intuitive to what you may know about air-conditioning as air-cons usually require the rooms to be sealed completely in order for the circulating air to remain at a cool, managed temperature.
With Evaporative coolers, new air is pushed into the room and then cooled with evaporation, making the air entering the room slightly more humid than that of an air-con system. This cool air then circulates in the room and the warm air is pushed outside through the open door or window. Failing to open a door or window and provide an escape route for the air will result in the humidity levels building in the room and the surfaces slowly becoming damp and then wet. This is easily avoided with providing the exhaust air a route to escape out into the open.
This warm air is known as exhaust air, it is the used, spent, stale air inside your home or office. For optimal operating efficiency of your cooler, the exhaust air volume leaving the room should be a little more than what is being brought into the room by the cooler.
Do I need to leave windows and doors open?
Evap cooler ventilation works a little differently to traditional air-conditioning systems. Traditional air-cons require the space they are cooling to be completely closed and any door or window that may be slightly ajar can greatly reduce both the efficiency and cooling effectiveness of the air-con unit, increasing energy consumption and putting strain on the operating parts of the system, resulting in premature failure of the air-con unit and calling for costly repairs or replacement of the condenser and refrigeration components.
Evaporative coolers do not work on a closed system like air-cons do. They operate by pulling in warm, dry air from outdoors, cooling it and then pushing it out into the room that needs to be cooled. Being that the cooled air has undergone a heat exchange, the air entering the room is slightly moist, meaning that it has a higher relative humidity that the outside air. This results in the air circulating in the room, while the humidity levels rise. If the room is completely sealed then you will begin to experience the surfaces in the room becoming wet due to the rising relative humidity in the room.
To solve this problem, good evap cooler ventilation must allow for the spent air somewhere to escape, simply open a door or crack a window and the moist exhaust air will flow outdoors, creating a wonderfully cool breeze in the room as the air creates a flow in the room, exiting through the door or window. Leaving a cool room that has comfortable relative humidity and temperature levels.
If you have any questions at all then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of the friendly experts at GMC Aircon team who will be more than happy to help with any questions you may have and find the right evaporative cooling solution for your home or office.
Is it possible to control the air flow in my house?
Your ability to control airflow from the evaporative cooler so that it flows throughout your room or home is entirely possible. Our range of portable coolers come with adjustable fan louvers that allow you to focus the airflow from the evaporative coolers fan in the desired direction you need in the room. Make sure that your unit is positioned around a meter from the nearest wall, preferably in a corner. Positioning it to close to a wall will interrupt the flow of air pulled into the housing by the fan, this may lead to fan failure and ineffective cooling.
Once you have established the positioning of the unit in the room and you are sure there are no obstructions around the fan louvers, you can use the fan swing motion to create a cool flow of air to different directions in the room, creating an even distribution of cooled air. After the positioning is complete and your desired settings inputted to the cooler, its time to open a window or a door to complete the air-flow by giving the used, spent air a route to escape.
Air-conditioners control airflow by continually circulate air within the room, drawing in the room air and then cooling and cleaning it before dispensing it back out into the room again. Evap coolers work by drawing in air from outside, cooling and cleaning it and then pushing it into the room, with no ability to pull air from the room back into the unit to re-condition it. It is, therefore, critical to create an exit point for the spent exhaust air to escape through or else the surfaces in the room will slowly become wetted due to a rise in relative humidity levels. The negative pressure caused by the open window or door will suck the exhausted air outdoors and create a cool airflow throughout the room.
What is an Auto Flush System?
Auto flush system features for evaporative coolers, take the maintenance out of your evaporative cooler. Evap coolers work by drawing hot, dry air from outdoors into the housing of the cooler unit and then drawing it through two moist pads that cause the warm air to be cooled through an energy exchange created when the water changes state from a liquid to a gas. An interesting advancement in the features of portable evaporative cooling systems is the auto-flush technology incorporated into today’s modern units.
The housing of the cooling unit contains a small water pump and a reservoir to store water that is continually pumped up and over the cooling pads at all times of operation. The added moisture from the cooling function of the unit accumulates in the same collection reservoir and when it reaches a certain level, the system will need to flush the water to prevent it from spilling out of the reservoir and possibly damaging other electrical components in the housing. Similarly, water will leave behind trace minerals and sediment that may settle at the bottom of the reservoir, eventually clogging the pump.
This flush will either need to be done manually by you or automatically by the unit. The GMC range of portable evaporative coolers assists you in the automation of the unit, making sure that it is always producing clean, crisp, cool air. The auto flush system will change out the old water in the cooler every 8-10 hours, removing any mineral-laden water that might clog up and ruin your cooling pads, or otherwise diminish the cooling effectiveness of your unit.
The auto flush system is a fantastic feature of the GMC range that simply keeps your unit cooling for longer with greater efficiency, while allowing for automation of the unit that reduces your involvement with the operations of the unit and its maintenance. Giving you more time to enjoy your new found quality of life.
When should I service my cooler?
Servicing evaporative coolers does not have to be the chore you think it does. Your portable evaporative cooler does require a bit of special attention from time to time in order for it to keep working at its optimum efficiency levels and keep providing your home with cool, clean air,
There are two types of servicing for you to consider with your evap cooler. The first is a general once-over that can be done by yourself at the start of every summer season before you have your first run with the cooler. Start by wiping the unit down and removing the cooling pads and filter. Make sure that they are cleaned with a light soap solution to remove any stale odours that may remain from inactivity over the winter months. Once the units pads and filter and housing are cleaned, remove the reservoir and make sure that it is rinsed out properly with the same solution to remove any mineral sediment that may congest the pump.
The second method of servicing evaporative coolers is taking the unit to a dealer or service agent that specialises in sale and service of portable evaporative coolers. This should be done every couple of seasons to make sure that all the working components such as the fan and the pump are in good order and working correctly.
During the first season of operation, we recommend that you have the cooler inspected at the start and end of the season to ensure that everything is working as it should be. This will make sure that your cooler has a long operating life and keeps cooling for the years to come. It is important not to skip out on the servicing, think of the unit as similar to your car, you should have it checked out in order to prevent failure from happening prematurely with the mechanical parts, the same analogy can be applied to servicing evaporative coolers.
Can I use a soft water system with my evaporative cooler?
Soft water, what on earth is that? If you are unclear on the subject or have never heard of the difference in the two water types, let’s clearly explain the difference between ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ waters so that you have a good understanding between the two. The process of creating ‘soft’ water involves replacing hard water minerals such as calcium and magnesium with other minerals like sodium that make water ‘soft’. This process leaves behind salts and while you may not have changed the total quantity of minerals in the water, you will have exchanged them with minerals that are more soluble, allowing for the sodium to dissolve into the water to some extent.
This all means that while your portable evaporative cooler operates and the water evaporates, it leaves behind a scale when using hard water and a soft powder residue that dissolves almost totally when using soft water. This scale or residue is removed by spraying down the unit, or wiping it clean but it adds to the maintenance requirements needed. An easy method to prevent the regular maintenance issues is to attach a flush-hose to the system.
Connecting the bleeder, or flush hose to your unit is simple, just attach the hose to the nipple found at the base of the pump and the bleeder will siphon off any of the excess scale or residue that will accumulate. If the residue is not bled off, it will build up and clog the pump, causing premature failure of the unit.
Advantages of using soft water with an evaporative cooler are;
- Cleaner water circulating through the system.
- Soft water is much better for the cooler’s pump and reduces wear.
- Soft water also minimizes the unit’s service and maintenance needs.
- Reduces problems with algae and biofilm.
- Reduces scale buildup that can clog the unit
Why is there water draining from the overflow pipe?
Overflow pipes drip water, its what they do, so don’t panic if you see water dripping from the overflow pipe. In normal operating conditions, the overflow pipe is there to draw away excess water from the unit reservoir to ensure that it does not end up in the units housing a damage electrical equipment. This excess water may br drawn into the system from environmental factors, or component faults within the system itself. The overflow pipe connects from the reservoir of the unit and leads outside where the excess water containing the scale is dumped.
An overflow pipe may seem like a random tube exiting the unit with no purpose but it plays a critical role in the systems function that keeps it running at full capacity without any issues. The overflow pipe is the final guardian of the system and should be inspected when you first switch on your system at the start of the summer season. To make sure that the overflow pipe is working, simply overfill the system a little bit , then make sure that there are no blockages or obstructions in the tube and then turn on the system, wait to see if the overflow tube leaks out the extra water, if it does then you are ready to go, if it doesn’t then further inspection of the system may be warranted.
In a case where you happen to notice excessive amounts of water escaping the overflow on a regular basis, you may need to adjust the pumps flow in order to prevent too much water entering the system and the resultant excessive overflow that results. Overflow pipes are there as a preventative measure and an indicator of the effectiveness your evaporative cooler. You should only have a small amount escaping the overflow pipe at any time. If you are unable to adjust the flow of your pump, then speak to an expert at GMC Aircon and we will make sure that your unit is functioning correctly.
My cooler smells what should I do?
My evaporative cooler smells! Help! Have you started up your cooler to find that an unpleasant odour is being poured into the room as your cooler goes about its operation? Chances are that this is probably the first time you have switched on your cooler this summer season, or perhaps it has been in storage for a few years?
The presence of a foul or musty odour is quite common in evaporative coolers that have been left idle over some time, allowing for the residues and minerals in the water drying into the cooling pads and the filter. These residues collect and are then pushed back into the system when it is brought back into operation fo the first time.
To eliminate the odour as well as any other other nasty evaporative cooler smells and get your cooler back on track producing cool air that smells clean and fresh, simply remove the cooling pads and the filter from the housing and wash them with a light soapy solution before rinsing them clean. It’s also important to wash the reservoir of any other scale or debris that may have built up from the period of inactivity. After you have finished the cleaning process, then insert the pads and the filter back into the unit and you are ready to enjoy cool, clean air for another hot summer season!
If you clean your unit and still find that the smell has not diminished, or if you own a portable unit that does not allow for you to take it apart to access the components, then locate your closest GMC Aircon service centre and arrange a booking for your evaporative cooler to be serviced. Service agents will go through the unit and return it to you in original working order, with a guarantee on their workmanship.
At the end of the summer, take your cooling pads and filter out of the unit and clean them properly before storing your uit away for the winter, this will ensure that when you start up your cooler next season, the musty smell won’t be there, just cool, clean air.
How do I obtain service if my evaporative cooler is under Warranty?
Evaporative cooler servicing is something we take seriously at At GMC Aircon. We stand behind our product range and our evaporative cooling solutions are manufactured to the highest quality standards, with globally recognised certifications. If you experience any difficulty with the installation or operation of your evaporative cooler, email the team of experts at GMC Aircon and we will ensure that your problem is resolved timeously and effectively. Our dedicated team of service agents are available countrywide for you to seek advice or query faults with your evaporative cooling system.
All of our evaporative cooling products come standard with manufacturing warranties that safeguard our clients against any latent faults or defects with our systems and while these occurrences are very rare, due to the quality of our products, should you encounter any difficulties at all, please do not hesitate to contact the team at GMC and we will immediately go to work at solving your problem.
At GMC Aircom, we value our clients and aim to bring them the very best cooling solutions that are available on the market and then back those products up with the best industry service level that we feel our clients not only expect, but deserve as well. We understand that the hot months of summer can be uncomfortable, that’s why our team aims to resolve your issues with your evaporative cooler as quickly as possible in order for you to get back to the cool lifestyle that you deserve as a GMC Aircon client.
If you are having an issue with your evaporative cooler and it is within the warranty from the date of purchase, simply shoot us an email describing your situation, or call into the GMC Aircon head-office and let us know how we can help, we are here to help our clients in any way we can. With all of our staff being highly trained an knowledgeable, we will find a solution to your evaporative cooler servicing and take away your problems.
What is the SEER & BTU Rating on my evaporative cooler?
SEER rating, BTU rating, what does this all mean? Granted we can understand that they can be confusing terms to come to grips with. Evaporative coolers make great cooling solutions for hot and dry climates. Air-conditioning systems are very effective at controlling the temperature in the room and have become the world-wide standard in air cooling technology. However, over the recent decades, the technology around evaporative cooling has greatly improved, making it a comparable solution to air-con systems that are used to cool the home and office.
Traditional air-conditioning systems are measured in BTU (British Thermal Units) This is a means of matching the power of the unit to the size of the room to give the most accurate cooling solution that is efficient and effective.
In evaporative coolers, the unit of measurement in output of the cooler is measured in CFM, or Cubic Feet per Minute. This measures the volume of air entering the room from the cooler. The calculation for selecting the right size cooler is calculating the room volume and then dividing the figure in half to get the CFM value. For example, if your room is 1000 cubic feet, then you will need a unit that is able to produce 500 CFM
The SEER rating (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating) of evaporative coolers is a lot better that that of their air-con counterparts. Air-con systems generally have a SEER rating of around 12, which is three to four times that of an evaporative cooler, which measure out at anywhere between 30 to 40 SEER rating, making them the ideal, eco-friendly solution that saves you on your power bill.
When comparing the results we find that evaporative coolers have a higher SEER rating and are drastically more efficient that traditional air-con systems, translating into an energy saving of up to 70% on your seasonal cooling bill, making it the far superior choice for anyone living in a hot, dry climate. SEER and BTU ratings are measurements of output and performance but should checked properly against your application before making a purchase decision.
Are thermostats available for evaporative coolers?
Thermostats are marvelous revolutions in climate control management. they automatically adjust the operations of your evaporative cooler, reducing the need for your to actively control the operations of the unit. Inputting your desired settings into the memory of the unit will ensure that your room is kept cool, to the exact settings you require, all day long.
Today’s portable evaporative coolers come with built-in thermostats that effectively govern their output, keeping you cool when you need it and switching off when the desired temperature conditions are achieved. this makes the portable evaporative cooler a fantastic means of cooling your home or office in the summer, even with the temperatures varying greatly from day to day and during the daylight hours.
The amount of heat in your room may differ throughout the day due to the strong sun as it rises overhead in the peak hours of the day between 10am and 2pm. with a thermostat controlled evaporative cooler, you do not have to worry about changing the settings as the day progresses, you simply input your desired temperature and the cooler will automatically go to work in creating the desired climate, making it a true set-and-forget experience. This is the true beauty of the thermostat when incorporated into evaporative cooling technology, it makes for a plug and play system that is both cost-effective and efficient!
While most portable solutions have built in thermostats, the standalone units, or industrial units may not come with such features. Large industrial units that work in factories may not be concerned with controlling the environment completely as they have varying heat sources from operations. Depending on your application you may want to speak with one of the experts at GMC Aircon to see if your application requires a thermostat or not. AT GMC we have the right thermostat solution for any evaporative cooler, speak to our consultants today!
Is there thermal protection for motors and circulation systems?
Thermal protection for your cooler motor and circulation systems are critical components of a complete evaporative cooling solution. At GMC Aircon, we adhere to best manufacturing practices and thermally protecting these circuits from potential damage or destruction is another part of what makes GMC Aircon the leader in providing air-conditioning and evaporative cooling solutions that adhere to the most stringent quality requirements.
The term thermally protected motors, refers to a thermal protector placed internally within a motor or motor-compressor, used to protect the motor and motor winding components from overheating at dangerous levels that can cause the motor to fail. This motor overheating occurs when the motor is either overloaded, or when a bearing seizes up. Other reasons for overheating are from excessive environmental heat combined with any of the before mentioned issues, or perhaps that something has locked the motor shaft from being able to turn, or the motor simply fails to start. A failure to start may be caused by faulty start windings in a motor and should be inspected by your service agent.
The thermal protector consists of one or more heat-sensing elements integral with the motor or motor-compressor and an external control device. The thermal protection is in place to turn the motor off when excessive heat is generated within the motor circuitry and keep it from burning up the motor. It is a must to have for any piece of technology that features an electronic motor and that’s why we included this safeguard in our range of evaporative coolers.
GMC Aircon offers full manufacturing warranties on all of our evaporative coolers and should you experience any issues whatsoever, please contact our dedicated service team, we will go to work on restoring or replacing your system and get you back to a cool climate as soon as possible!